Thursday, May 13, 2010


I think I did learn the objectives that were in the syllabus but I didn’t learn what I had hoped to learn in the class. I will still work on the shape of the face, hands, and feet because those are the hardest things for me.

I have definitely improved even more in the number of lines I use for cross contour. I started doing a billion and now I think I have a good amount. I think I have gotten better at making lighter lines in gesture drawings because I couldn’t get a good picture of some of the gestures. So that must mean they were light. I think that I got better in the last shell trying to get the angle down. It was hard to get the shell to look like it was going back in space not pointing up. I think that everything that was said on the midterm was fine. I just don’t think that so much emphasis should be put on the mannequin being smooth. I would sit forever trying to smooth it and nothing would really help. It should just matter that the muscles are right. I will use what I learned in the class for personal uses but not for my major. I just like to draw on my own time and I think it will just help to know things in other fields then the computer stuff.

let me know if the link doesnt work.

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