Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This is my life drawing mannequin that i named Natalie. Cause Natalie is the biggest baddest mannequin on the counter top! ha ha ha
So far we have done some of the neck muscles and the ab muscles. I thought the neck muscles were fine when i was doing them. The book was kind of confusing so I had to guess. But i only had to change a few things, but then the clay kind of just squished together and it was hard to define the muscles again. For the abs i just have to fill in a massive hole that i for some reason have. lol I guess that Natalie got shot in a drive by or something.
The last week of classes not much has happened since we didnt have class one day. But the drawing is going ok. Drawing slow is a big obstacle for me and hopefully i can draw slow when i need to. I like cross contour way more then the sketching where we only do the spine and ribs. My drawing was pretty cool, it looked like wood.

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